Dreaming of Potential Infidelity and Self-Discovery

Dreaming of Potential Infidelity and Self-Discovery
In one dream I am sleeping near my girlfriend and she says she wants to talk to me, for context I believe I met her through a dating app. Anyways she says she has lost interest in me. I'm like what are you talking about. You don't even know me that well!She was swiping on dating apps right then. I ask her were you on here for sleeping around then?Then one by one I tell her cool things about me that she didn't even know about my personality and hobbies. She seems a little more interested but something tells me this isn't gonna hit off. Either way I realize in the future she might cheat. Another part of the dream I'm running off to my room thinking she might be cheating since I have her an opportunity. It seems I'm in an area back when I was in school. I see a small industry vehicle hit a small kid. And the kid repeatedly keeps getting hit until I push him away forcefully. I ask him are you mad can't you see the vehicle? Then I enquire if he's fine a couple times until a few parents mostly mothers come to comfort and check on him. I realize my work's done and then I wake up.

This dream may reflect feelings of insecurity and doubt in a romantic relationship. The dreamer’s girlfriend expresses losing interest, possibly due to meeting through a dating app and not knowing each other well. The dreamer tries to impress her with unknown aspects of their personality and hobbies, but doubts the relationship will work out. This could symbolize a fear of being cheated on or not being enough for their partner. The dreamer’s subconscious may be warning them of potential infidelity in the future. The second part of the dream takes place in a school setting, possibly representing a time of self-discovery and growth. The dreamer witnesses a child being repeatedly hit by a vehicle and intervenes to protect them. This could symbolize the dreamer’s desire to protect their own innocence and vulnerability. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s fears and insecurities in their relationships and the need for self-discovery and growth.