Escaping and Seeking Guidance in a Dream

Escaping and Seeking Guidance in a Dream
I was inside a house with a former friend and we were leaving and trying to escape by window because someone was coming in and upstairs so I was trying to break glass and I did manage to break glass and run. I was then in a mobile home park on top of the roofs of it while I was still getting chased. I then went from roof to roof as this person kept coming and following me. I then had a wing suit type of situation and could just jump off of roofs and fly roof to roof. Running away from this person. I did that for a little while until I stopped and I was running across an empty mobile home park spot when a white pigeon came across me and slowed me down. I asked myself What is it you want to tell me??? I assumed this pigeon was the Holy Spirit It flew out in front of me and blocked me I stayed a little while to see what it was telling me or leading me to I then saw it wanted me to recover and gain health points like in a video game by going up higher on this certain mobile home roof, I regained them and then flew over to a make up section of a store. There I was jumping through the top of the store island sections still running away.

This dream may symbolize a desire to escape from a difficult situation or relationship in your waking life. The former friend could represent a past connection or aspect of yourself that you are trying to leave behind. The act of breaking glass and running away may suggest a need for assertiveness and taking control of your own life. The mobile home park and roofs could represent a sense of instability and constantly shifting circumstances. The wing suit and flying could symbolize a desire for freedom and a sense of empowerment. The white pigeon, often associated with peace and spirituality, may represent a need for guidance and direction in your life. The act of slowing down and recovering health points could suggest a need to take care of yourself and prioritize your well-being. The make-up section of the store could symbolize a desire to present a certain image or facade to the world. Overall, this dream may be urging you to take charge of your life and seek guidance in finding your true path.