Exploring Boundaries and Comfort in a Dream with a Celebrity

Exploring Boundaries and Comfort in a Dream with a Celebrity
I was dreaming about a guy, a literal celebrity. and he hugged me but also at some point he just feel like wanting to get intimacy with me. and he licked my stomach. and he put his face, his head on my stomach. But then I told him 'No' and he was just 'okay, I'm not going to do it' and I cupped his face but he was still on my stomach licking my tummy. What I felt in that dream was comfort, safety and I just feel so secure around him. I feel so happy that he respect my boundaries. after I wake up I feel comfortable and blushing obviously. he is a celebrity, and he is cute :')))

This dream may symbolize a desire for intimacy and a sense of security in a relationship. The celebrity represents an idealized version of a romantic partner, and the dreamer’s feelings of comfort and safety around him may reflect a longing for a similar connection in waking life. The act of the celebrity licking the dreamer’s stomach could represent a desire for physical and emotional closeness, while the dreamer’s boundary-setting and the celebrity’s respectful response may suggest a need for clear communication and mutual respect in relationships. The dreamer’s blushing and happiness upon waking may indicate a sense of fulfillment and excitement about the potential for a fulfilling relationship. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s desires and hopes for a loving and respectful partnership.