This dream may be reflecting your insecurities and anxieties about your past relationships and how they may affect your current life. The college type apartment and coworkers from your first job after college may symbolize a time in your life when you were just starting out and figuring out your career path. The movie you worked on may represent your current success and accomplishments in your career, but the fact that it was set 5 years after your first job suggests that you may still have lingering doubts and insecurities about your abilities. The knowledge of having sex with one of your coworkers, who you never actually had a physical relationship with in real life, may symbolize a desire for intimacy and connection with someone from your past. The other coworker’s aggressive and demanding behavior may represent your fear of being judged or questioned about your romantic history, which you feel is insubstantial. The fact that he starts having sex with your friend may symbolize your fear of losing someone close to you due to your past relationships. Overall, this dream may be highlighting your insecurities and fears about your past relationships and how they may affect your current life and relationships.