Exploring New Horizons: A Dream of Studying Abroad with Family

Exploring New Horizons: A Dream of Studying Abroad with Family
My sister in law is German and my brother and her live in Germany together. I live in America. Well I had a dream that my sister in law and I were going to the same college in Germany together and during our breaks we’d just meet up and chill until one of us had to go to class. Towards the end of the dream it’s like I was trying to leave school early and it was quite busy during class change so the escalator was packed with students but some of the students were people I went to grade school with and I found it odd that they were in Germany at the same school with us. When I was exiting the building I seen a black mouse trapped on a sticky mouse trap and then I was outside at the end of the road my sister in law said something then turned away and went back to her class and then I woke up

This dream may symbolize a desire for new experiences and a sense of adventure. Your sister-in-law, who is German, represents a connection to a different culture and way of life. The fact that you are both attending the same college in Germany suggests a strong bond and shared goals. The presence of familiar faces from your grade school days may indicate a longing for the past or a sense of nostalgia. The crowded escalator may represent the challenges and obstacles you may face in pursuing your dreams. The trapped mouse on a sticky trap could symbolize feeling stuck or trapped in a situation. Your sister-in-law’s departure and return to class may symbolize a sense of independence and individual growth. Overall, this dream may reflect your desire for new experiences and personal growth, while also acknowledging the importance of family and connections to your past.