Exploring the Depths of the Subconscious: A Dream of Old Hostels and Self-Discovery

Exploring the Depths of the Subconscious: A Dream of Old Hostels and Self-Discovery
i dreamt i was staying at some sort of very old hostel in a large mansion on a vacation, wooden floors, old carpets and wooden doors being commonplace in the interior of the building. it took me a long time to find my room, whenever i thought i had reached it i actually had to fake a few more turns before i recognized my door. my room wasn’t that large, only enough space for the bed and the bathroom, but it had a large window. it reminded me of my old bedroom. i got settled and decided to go out to meet up with the friends i was visiting. i went down to the common area of the hostel and watched movies with them, and started playing with their dogs. once i was satisfied with my night, i decided to retire but i recognized someone from my past in the dream world that i had hooked up with. he told me we should meet up again in the morning and go out for breakfast, and i agreed. it took me a long time to find my room again, even walking in accidentally to different rooms. i became curious of a side door in a hallway and stepped through, but i suddenly found myself back in the common area, laying on a couch with nothing on but a blanket wrapped around my waist. there was only a few people awake so i had to make my way embarrassed back to my room, which took just as long again. i finally decided to lay in bed, and found myself falling asleep. i then dreamt i had woken up inside an opaque green room on a leather medical bed, with a wooden floor. i looked up from the bed and saw sliding doors with mirrors, and i got up to look at my reflection. but looking at my face i realized my eyes weren’t staying in place. i turned around and looked back multiple times to see if they would stop moving randomly, but to no avail. i realized then it meant i was in a dream and i had to get out. i lie back on the leather bed and tried to fall asleep so i could wake up but i had a few false awakenings, until i decided to lie down on the wooden floor. on the floor i started imagining myself tiling over the wood with blocks of light, and i eventually woke back up in the hostel room. it was morning already, so i shook off the dream and got ready for my day. to my surprise, the guy i had agreed to breakfast with was right outside of my door. we joked that we were both wearing light blue bandanas, and i told him at least he wears it for style, i wore it when i couldn’t control my bedhead. we walked into the cafe located inside the hostel building and sat down at a table. he proceeded to let me know he was an idiot for not asking me out after we had hooked up, and i was unsettled. he told me ever since then he wasn’t able to stop thinking about me. i asked him if he was seriously asking me out right now after we hadn’t seen each other for 4 years and he had only known me for 2 days. he was serious when he said yes. i began to nervously drink my glass of water and he made an odd comment about how he thinks only whores chew the ice from their drinks, so i began loudly chewing the ice. he seemed irritated and disappointed, telling me he knew i didn’t mean it. it was then that a lady sitting next to us started speaking to me, telling me she would find a way to cheer the guy up, but that she understood how he felt and that i did too. i responded with a question “do i?” when her partner sitting with her pulled out a camera and requested to photograph the guy i was sitting with, telling him they like his style and that they would love to take a selfie with him. i stayed seated as they brought him to their table for the photo, trying not be embarrassed for him since he looked so awkward. then i felt my friend’s dogs walking under my legs and begging me for scraps. one of the dogs had a voice modulator which meant it could “speak” to me. it asked me if i was willing to become its partner for the next best dog food model competition and i was surprised, saying yes. i finished my breakfast and said my goodbyes, following the dog to a separate room where the hostel was hosting the competition, and i realized i had to make my dog’s food myself. i felt overwhelmed and tried my best, but when i looked around the room while waiting for the judges i saw my spirit lover smiling at me from the corner of the room. my heart jumped and i woke up.

This dream is a reflection of the dreamer’s journey towards self-discovery and exploration of their subconscious mind. The old hostel represents the dreamer’s past experiences and memories, while the wooden floors, carpets, and doors symbolize the foundation and structure of their psyche. The difficulty in finding their room suggests a struggle to understand and navigate their own thoughts and emotions. The large window in the room represents a desire for clarity and understanding. Meeting up with friends and playing with dogs symbolizes the dreamer’s need for companionship and joy in their waking life. The encounter with a past lover represents unresolved feelings and a desire for closure. The side door in the hallway represents a curiosity and willingness to explore new aspects of the self. The opaque green room on a medical bed symbolizes the dreamer’s inner turmoil and confusion. The sliding doors with mirrors represent self-reflection and the realization that the dreamer’s eyes are not staying in place suggests a lack of control over their thoughts and emotions. The dreamer’s attempt to wake up and escape the dream represents their desire to overcome their inner struggles and find peace. The blocks of light tiling over the wooden floor symbolize the dreamer’s attempt to bring light and positivity into their life. The final encounter with the past lover and the light blue bandanas symbolize the dreamer’s acceptance and understanding of their past experiences. The cafe inside the hostel represents a place of comfort and familiarity, where the dreamer can reflect on their journey and move forward with a sense of clarity and purpose.