Exploring the Past and Facing the Present: A Dream Analysis

Exploring the Past and Facing the Present: A Dream Analysis
I had a reallllly long detailed dream. I went down to the water from some empty apartment I was staying in in the city in LA, and went swimming. I swam all the way up the beach and went looking for my old house in Malibu. It has been totally rebuilt but I found it and it had been tuned into a restaurant. I went up and accessed it from the road, as I couldn’t recognize it from the beach, and got lost in this maze of tunnels in the rebuild until I found the landlord by the back doors where all the patrons were sitting in candlelight, eating, but it was half renovated. It was super beautiful there. I apologized for him for all the drama when I lived in the house (very abusive relationship). He said it was cool but I better swim back before the tide came in. I swam back in the dark but was getting pulled out by the current. Back at the inlet to the road (which was this super steep hill) I met two old ladies trying to swim in too. The waves were mad strong and we were wading / swimming up the road, but the tide was the same speed and kept catching us with swells… we were holding on to peoples garden walls each time the waves came in. We were chatting and laughing. The drag from the tide was sooo heavy. We made it out and I got back to the apartment and realized my bag with my phone had got washed out, but I was really relieved about it and said “I’ve got no money but at least I can never be found” and woke up. The night before I dreamed the man I am seeing currently threw up clear liquid in my bath…. Can anyone give insight to this meaning(s)?

This dream may symbolize your desire to revisit and reconcile with your past, represented by your old house in Malibu. The fact that it has been turned into a restaurant could suggest that you are ready to let go of the past and move on. However, the maze of tunnels and half-renovated state of the house may indicate that you are still struggling to fully let go and move forward. The candlelight and beauty of the restaurant could represent the positive aspects of your past, while the drama and abusive relationship may be the negative aspects that you are trying to come to terms with. The landlord’s forgiveness and warning about the tide could symbolize your own need to forgive yourself and not let the past consume you. The current pulling you back and the loss of your phone could represent the challenges and obstacles you face in the present, but your relief and acceptance of being untraceable could suggest a sense of freedom and liberation. The man throwing up in your bath could symbolize your fear of being overwhelmed or consumed by your current relationship. Overall, this dream may be urging you to confront and reconcile with your past in order to move forward and find peace in the present.