Facing Fears: A Dream of Confronting Monsters

Facing Fears: A Dream of Confronting Monsters
Me, my boyfriend and our neighbor were all in the dream. My boy friend and I heard something out side so we check, standing there is this monster. It was a dirty off white color, it stood about 7 ft tall, it was lanky and thin. It seen us move and came after us. We locked the doors and called the neighbor. He had 2 or 3 of them banging on his house trying to get in. He told us they attack if we move, to hold very still till their gone then board everything up so they can't get in, and most importantly can't see us. Finally they monsters started to all walk in one direction away from us,we ran down to Todd's, the neighbor, and on the way we seen people who had been turned inside out and started growing, twisting, molting till it became one of them. We got down to Todd's and he takes us in. We hide, then I wake up

This dream may symbolize your fears and anxieties in waking life. The presence of your boyfriend and neighbor could represent a sense of security and support in facing these fears. The monster, with its dirty and lanky appearance, may represent a specific fear or challenge that you are currently facing. The fact that it attacks when you move could suggest that you feel paralyzed or unable to take action in dealing with this fear. The neighbor’s advice to stay still and hide until the monsters pass could symbolize the need to face your fears head on and not let them control you. The people who have been turned inside out and transformed into monsters could represent the potential consequences of avoiding or ignoring your fears. Seeking refuge at the neighbor’s house could symbolize seeking help or support from others in dealing with your fears. Overall, this dream may be urging you to confront your fears and take action in overcoming them, rather than letting them consume you.