Feeling Left Out: A Christian Biblical Interpretation of a Dream

Feeling Left Out: A Christian Biblical Interpretation of a Dream
Two of my old friends who are not singers in real life, were hired for a show to sing worship music, which is what I do. They did not invite me to join them but instead invited two strangers. They talked about helping sing for each other when one got lost in the spirit as a learning lesson but that was something I already knew how to do. I feel left out.

In this dream, the dreamer is faced with feelings of exclusion and inadequacy as they witness their two old friends, who are not singers in real life, being hired to sing worship music. The dreamer, who is a singer in real life, is not invited to join them and instead, two strangers are chosen. This dream may symbolize the dreamer’s feelings of being left out or overlooked in their spiritual journey.

In the Bible, singing and music are often associated with worship and praise to God. In fact, the book of Psalms is filled with songs and hymns of praise to God. Therefore, the dreamer’s desire to sing worship music may represent their desire to connect with God and express their love and devotion to Him through music.

The fact that the dreamer’s old friends, who are not singers in real life, are chosen to sing worship music may symbolize the dreamer’s feelings of inadequacy or comparison to others in their spiritual journey. They may feel like they are not good enough or that others are more qualified to serve God in certain ways.

The two strangers who are chosen to sing with the dreamer’s friends may represent unfamiliar or unknown aspects of the dreamer’s spiritual journey. These could be new opportunities or challenges that the dreamer may feel unprepared for or excluded from.

The dreamer’s friends talking about helping each other sing when one gets lost in the spirit may symbolize the importance of community and support in one’s spiritual journey. It may also represent the dreamer’s desire for guidance and mentorship in their own spiritual growth.

Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s feelings of inadequacy, exclusion, and longing for spiritual connection and support. It may serve as a reminder to the dreamer to trust in God’s plan for their life and to seek guidance and support from their community in their spiritual journey.