Forbidden Love and Power Struggles in a Mansion

Forbidden Love and Power Struggles in a Mansion
My wife and I were in a building and we were not supposed to see each other. I met up with my wife in one of rooms of a very big mansion and we kissed deeply not wanting to separate but hear foot steps so we separated not to get caught. There was a lady of the house who was extremely strict and rude and treated the servant like trash because he was not efficient to her liking. She screamed and insulted him. There was a white sheep at first wad afraid of me but after I stroked it was o.k to lie on my lap and wanted me to continue stroking it

This dream may symbolize a desire for forbidden love or a fear of being caught in a forbidden relationship. The building represents a confined space, possibly representing societal or personal restrictions. The strict and rude lady of the house may represent an authority figure or societal expectations that are harsh and unyielding. The servant being treated poorly may symbolize feelings of inadequacy or being undervalued. The white sheep initially being afraid of the dreamer may represent fear of judgment or rejection. However, the sheep eventually becoming comfortable and wanting to be stroked may symbolize a longing for acceptance and affection. Overall, this dream may reflect inner conflicts between societal expectations and personal desires, as well as a desire for love and acceptance despite potential consequences.