Lost in a Foreign Land: A Dream of Struggle and Reconciliation

Lost in a Foreign Land: A Dream of Struggle and Reconciliation
am in Sweden and the xmas is still celebrated. Two ladies ask me how I feel in Sweden and whether I want to dtay, I replay having been here for 15 years so it is obvious nowhere else to go. we are invited to attend a xmas lunch arrangements and I am given a an ancient half full water holder of zink with a stopper. We are moving in an old town seems to be old stockholm, I ask one of office lady about the occasion she answers reluctantly. I suddenly see Sean, the lead of Tehran tv series that I was excused from last year due to being undermined by a staff recentlyfired, is looking for me calling my name and ask me to follow him. He tells himself using google map would be better. while we are walking in rush we pass a beautiful market water strem with a big oval kettel hubbing and I try get it through the narrow space between the hub and the adjucent brick wall, while he walks the path with more space and we fall apart, the water run our the as stopper falls away and I realize it is lost later whien I have founf the restaurant wehre evry body is. In the restaurant the owner first not knowing english thinks I am attending a islamic religious company and he says no no, later I explain slowly after angrily suggesting him to open english when properly knowing english, he ask me to goand look. I suddenly see sean in the restaurant looking for me taking me back to the crew we were lunching with. I wake up

This dream reflects feelings of displacement and uncertainty in the dreamer’s waking life. The dreamer finds themselves in Sweden, a foreign land, where they have been living for 15 years. This may symbolize a sense of being stuck or trapped in a situation, with no other options available. The invitation to a Christmas lunch may represent a desire for connection and belonging, but the gift of an ancient water holder may suggest a feeling of being out of place or out of touch with the modern world. The dreamer’s attempt to navigate through the old town and communicate with the office lady may represent a struggle to adapt and fit in. The appearance of Sean, a figure from the dreamer’s past, may symbolize unresolved issues or unfinished business. The rush to follow Sean and the loss of the water holder may represent a fear of losing touch with one’s past or identity. The encounter with the restaurant owner may symbolize a need for understanding and acceptance, as well as a desire to be seen and heard. Ultimately, the dream may reflect the dreamer’s search for a sense of belonging and reconciliation with their past.