Manifesting Love: A Dream of Finding True Connection

Manifesting Love: A Dream of Finding True Connection
I was at work at my current job and Me, vontoocut and some other random dude started playing some 3 pointer basketball game, after I won I went back to our storage room and I seen Loren walking out so I started to wonder why she was in the there so when I walked in I seen she washing some clothes. I layed on the floor I guess to take a nap before I took a nap I played my affirmations as I tried to sleep. Not too long after I heard her walk in (some intuitive feeling just told me it was her) She kinda stepped/ leaned over me a bit and as she did she apologized and I was like nah you good as I was still laying down just lifted my head a lil bit she then pulled my head to hers and kissed me and said she been in love with me the whole time (over the internet and just who I am) And was waiting for us to get together cause I was perfect for her (in looks and mindset wise) I was so shocked and happy at the same time cause she’s who I wanted and by just being me I manifested her. After the dude from the basketball game text and wanted to play a round 2 again but u was too busy with her so I never replied.

This dream may symbolize your desire for a deeper connection with someone in your waking life. The basketball game represents the competitive nature of relationships and the need to prove oneself. Winning the game may suggest that you have overcome any obstacles or doubts in your pursuit of love. The storage room represents hidden emotions or desires, and seeing Loren there may symbolize your subconscious recognition of her as a potential partner. Washing clothes can symbolize cleansing or purifying oneself, suggesting that Loren may have been working on herself before revealing her feelings to you. Laying down and playing affirmations before taking a nap may represent your efforts to manifest love and attract the right person into your life. Loren’s apology and confession of love may represent your own inner desires and feelings towards her. The fact that you were too busy with her to respond to the other guy’s invitation for a rematch may symbolize your commitment to this new relationship and your willingness to let go of past distractions. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious desire for a loving and fulfilling relationship, and your belief in the power of manifestation to make it a reality.