Missed Flight and Lost Luggage

Missed Flight and Lost Luggage
I dreamt that I was in the airport going to Cape Green. I was in a stopover in the duty-free store waiting for the for the flight time. In the board was showing that my flight was 3h44pm, then I decided to go to the gate, but I realized that the gate was fair... in the middle of the way I met a girl that also speaks Portuguese like me but she was not Brazilian and she was going to the same terminal that I need to go. When I got neat to my gate, I start thinking that maybe the flight was closed cause there was not anyone there and I look at my flight ticket and it was saying 3h09 instead of 3h44pm and I tried to get the little golf car to get to the gate, but when I was inside it, I realized that I left my luggage that was when I woke up.

This dream may symbolize feelings of anxiety or stress about missing out on opportunities or not being prepared for important events in your life. The airport represents a transitional period or journey in your life, and the stopover in the duty-free store may suggest a temporary break or distraction from your goals. The girl who speaks Portuguese may represent a part of yourself that you are unfamiliar with or trying to connect with. The fact that she is not Brazilian may symbolize a sense of being out of place or not fitting in. The confusion about the flight time and gate may reflect a lack of control or uncertainty in your waking life. The closed gate and missing luggage may represent missed opportunities or feeling unprepared for important events. This dream may be a reminder to pay attention to details and be more organized in order to achieve your goals and avoid missing out on important opportunities.