Navigating Life’s Choices: A Dream of Guidance and Self-Discovery

Navigating Life’s Choices: A Dream of Guidance and Self-Discovery
i saw my old crush telling me to go in a other road rather than my road i wanted to go and she was also walking with me on the other road she chosen. and i dont know where i was going and she was just directing me to turn to this road and that road .In every road i saw all my school's students. i was feeling a bit shy to walk with a girl in front of my shcool's all students because of some of my religious rules ,so i took a another road of my way. she told me not to go or maybe asked where i was going (with a smile). i dont remember what i answered maybe something like going home or whatever. And she just stood there with a smile and didnt come with me.

This dream may symbolize your inner struggle with making important decisions in your life. Your old crush represents a past desire or path that you may have abandoned. She is guiding you towards a different road, possibly suggesting that you should consider a new direction or perspective. The fact that she is walking with you may indicate that you are not alone in this journey and that you have support from others. However, your hesitation to walk with her in front of your schoolmates may suggest that you are concerned about how others perceive you and may be struggling with societal or religious expectations. Your decision to take a different road may represent your desire to follow your own path and make your own choices, even if it goes against what others may expect of you. The presence of your schoolmates may symbolize the pressure and influence of others in your decision-making process. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your inner conflict and search for self-discovery and independence.