Navigating Through Obstacles: A Dream of Determination and Resourcefulness

Navigating Through Obstacles: A Dream of Determination and Resourcefulness
I was driving in a very large, white convertible, probably a Cadillac, with the top open. It was hot and dry out. I was driving away from where I had left Willow and Chrystina. Somewhere ahead, about half an hour away or so, was a long avenue running left-right, probably a half mile long, fronted by a row of shops with apartments above. I knew that they were going to the rightmost end of the avenue by going straight and turning right onto the avenue where they would go to the rightmost building. I was to go to the left most end of the avenue and occupy the leftmost apartment. However I could not go straight. I had to make a left first, come around the back side to find it, essentially going around. From there I was supposed to contact them but for what precisely I wasn’t sure. I think they wanted me to meet them later in the center building but they didn’t say specifically. After going left, then turning right to go back ‘up’ again I came to a light. I didn’t pull all the way up but left a car length of room ahead. I fell asleep at the wheel for awhile and then woke up to see a police officer across the street looking at me as if he was going to stop me. I watched the light and inched up toward it until it turned green when I sped up. The cop and I looked at each other and he tried to say something but I drove by and we continued on our way. I approached a street that I thought would be the right turn behind the row of buildings on the avenue I was looking for. After turning right it became clear I was in the wrong place. The road was dry and dusty and everything looked like it was becoming more and more sparse and industrial. I pulled into an area where there were large hanging sheets of plastic, 8’ tall, with pouches filled with mostly knives but also other kitchen utensils. They were hanging from racks so that one could flip through them like a large picture book or electronic parts catalogue. I looked through several of the sheets. I thought I would take one of the knives that caught my fancy, but I noticed many cameras embedded between the sheets. I then realized I had ventured onto private property and these belonged to a business of some sort and so I couldn’t. I decided to leave. I drove back the way I came but instead of the road back the road dipped down into an opening into an underground portion of a mall where the dirt road met white tile. Instead of in a car I found myself on a very large skateboard and had to maneuver my way around the open area of the mall and food court. A security guard approached and I realized I couldn’t skate here so I got off the board and put it under my arm and waved him off. He continued to pursue me; I got very angry and cussed him, but I didn’t let him approach. I knew I could beat him down and partly desired to beat him unconscious. But at the same time, I didn’t want the confrontation or the trouble that would follow. Other patrons at the mall were voicing their disapproval at the guard, booing him and telling him to leave me be since I had voluntarily stopped skating once I realized where I was. I left all of that behind and went up to the roof. Somewhere along the way the skateboard was gone. I laid down on the roof, in the gravel, to rest. I opened my eyes to see a gilded rat walking right in front of me. It showed no fear or even notice of me and continued on its way as if I wasn’t even there. It wasn’t scurrying, but kind of waddling and I thought that its slow waddling indicated some kind of problem or burden. It slowed further and I noted the gilding was actually a layer of metallic, oily filth that was golden only in color and sheen. As it slowed it was shaking off the filth that dripped off as an oily, greenish film that was only metallic by contamination. I thought it might have gathered it from crawling inside a peculiar sewer pipe. The material started to come off further and more than the oil it started to contain some solid matter that was definitely sewage. I got up and went to investigate the place it had come from. To the west there was a stairwell opening on the roof that had a pile l of the stuff that was coming off the rat. It was feces mixed with bile and grease all green and oily with metallic gold in it, like the metallic flakes in a paint. Rather than follow the trail and go down the stairs I decided to stay on the roof. I turned right and walked away from the doorway to a narrower portion of the roof. At that point I woke up.

This dream may symbolize your determination and resourcefulness in navigating through obstacles and challenges in your waking life. The large, white convertible car represents your journey and the open top suggests a sense of freedom and openness to new experiences. The hot and dry weather may represent the difficulties and challenges you are facing. The fact that you are driving away from your companions, Willow and Chrystina, may suggest a sense of independence and self-reliance. The long avenue with shops and apartments symbolizes the path you are on and the different options and opportunities available to you. The leftmost apartment represents your desired destination or goal. However, the need to take a detour and go around the back side to find it may suggest that your journey may not be straightforward and may require some extra effort and creativity. The police officer may represent authority or rules that you feel you need to follow in order to reach your goal. Falling asleep at the wheel may symbolize a temporary loss of focus or motivation. The hanging sheets of plastic with knives and other utensils may represent the different tools and resources available to you in achieving your goal. The cameras may symbolize a sense of surveillance or scrutiny in your actions. The underground portion of the mall may represent the hidden or subconscious aspects of your journey. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your determination and resourcefulness in overcoming obstacles and reaching your desired destination.