Navigating Through Past Relationships

Navigating Through Past Relationships
I was walking back to my seat, I tried finding a way back to my seat because room was crowded. I found a row with only my ex wife sitting in so I went down her row to get to where I was sitting. I touched her hand and said hello. She had a lot of gold rings in like her deceased father use to wear. She touched my leg and said hello. I went in to my seat where my wife was sitting.

The dreamer is walking back to their seat, symbolizing a return to a familiar place or situation. However, they encounter difficulty in finding their way due to the crowded room, representing the overwhelming emotions and thoughts surrounding their past relationships. The row with only the ex-wife sitting in it suggests that the dreamer is still holding onto memories and feelings related to their ex. The dreamer touches their ex’s hand and says hello, indicating a desire for closure or reconciliation. The ex’s gold rings, similar to those worn by her deceased father, may symbolize the dreamer’s longing for the past and the comfort and security it provided. The ex then touches the dreamer’s leg and says hello, possibly representing a mutual understanding and forgiveness between the two. Finally, the dreamer returns to their seat where their current wife is sitting, symbolizing a sense of stability and contentment in their current relationship. Overall, the dream suggests that the dreamer is processing and coming to terms with their past relationships, while also finding peace and happiness in their present.