Navigating Triggers in a Relationship

Navigating Triggers in a Relationship
I was In a mall, we were it was me Rich and Wendy (Rich's ex wife) and you were sitting with Wendy. She was getting her nails done and I was trying to get a manicure for some thing that we have to go to and I was so annoyed because they were nowhere else from me to get manicure and I was like what the fuck why is Rich with her and Rich was annoyed that I was annoyed that he was with her and I was looking for a manicure place in the mall, no one else could do a manicure for me. I told Rich Wendy will always be a trigger in our relationship

The dream takes place in a mall, a common symbol for consumerism and materialism. You are accompanied by your partner, Rich, and his ex-wife, Wendy. The presence of Wendy may represent feelings of insecurity or jealousy in the relationship. You are trying to get a manicure, a symbol of self-care and grooming, but are unable to find a place to do so. This could suggest a lack of control or frustration in your personal life. Your annoyance at Rich being with Wendy may reflect your fear of losing him to his past. The dream may be highlighting the need to address and communicate about any triggers or insecurities in the relationship. It is important to acknowledge and work through these issues in order to maintain a healthy and stable partnership. The dream may also be a reminder to prioritize self-care and not let external factors affect your well-being. Overall, the dream suggests the need for open communication and self-reflection in order to navigate triggers and maintain a strong relationship.