Preventing a Train Crash in a Dream

Preventing a Train Crash in a Dream
I dreamt that someone came to me in a dream and said they had a dream that a train was going to crash. I said, "We need to try and prevent that." The tracks ran between residential backyards and were just feet from the houses. There was a raised deck on the back of my home, and the train ran just feet from it and had to slow down to make a 90-degree turn. In real life, a train could not make this turn. We planned to gather sand, and as the train passed, we would throw the sand in the air in front of the train's windshield so that the sand would stick to the windshield, where an invisible sticky substance was responsible for the crash. As the train neared, we realized the sand had slipped from our hands, and we had nothing to throw. I quickly ran to the corners and side of the deck and found loose dirt that I gathered. The train was already past the deck but was moving slowly, so I threw the dirt in front of the train and hoped for the best. Next, somebody said, the train stopped. Realizing the dirt had caused the conductor to stop the train, I ran to the backyard to find the conductor. Mass chaos was in the backyard, and many people were milling about. I frantically made my way to the conductor, who was a lady, and explained that I threw the dirt because someone had a dream that the train was going to crash. At first, she was irritated that I had thrown the dirt but then paused and said, "A dream of the train crashing?" I said, "Yes." The conductor lady then put on a National Forest Service Ranger jacket and walked out of the backyard and away from the train.

This dream may symbolize a fear or concern about a potential disaster or crisis in waking life. The train represents a powerful force or situation that is out of control and could cause harm. The fact that the dreamer is actively trying to prevent the crash suggests a desire to take control and prevent a negative outcome. The train passing through residential backyards and being just feet from houses may represent a sense of danger or vulnerability in one’s personal life. The raised deck on the back of the dreamer’s home could symbolize a safe and secure place, but the train’s proximity to it shows that even this safe haven is not immune to the potential danger. The dreamer’s plan to throw sand in front of the train’s windshield may represent a need to find a solution or take action in a difficult situation. The fact that the sand slips from their hands and they have to improvise with dirt could suggest a feeling of being unprepared or lacking resources in waking life. The train stopping after the dreamer throws dirt may symbolize the dreamer’s actions having a positive impact and preventing a disaster. The conductor, who is initially irritated but then becomes intrigued by the dreamer’s explanation, could represent the dreamer’s own inner authority or decision-making process. The conductor putting on a National Forest Service Ranger jacket and walking away from the train may symbolize the dreamer taking control and finding a way to avert a potential crisis.