Reconciliation with a Troubled Past: A Dream of Healing and Forgiveness

Reconciliation with a Troubled Past: A Dream of Healing and Forgiveness
First a little background story. I used to be married to a man who was not a good husband. To me or his first wife who he had children with. First he had children with her then me. Under his influence his first set of kids grew up to be less than stellar teenagers. One day my stepdaughter attacked me and I left. Then my husband took my kids away from me. Last night I dreamed that the same stepdaughter found me and we spent the day together talking peacefully and catching up (all while she was supposed to be in school)

This dream may symbolize a desire for closure and healing in regards to your past marriage and relationship with your stepdaughter. The fact that she found you and you spent the day together peacefully suggests that you may be ready to let go of any resentment or anger towards her and your ex-husband. The peaceful conversation and catching up may represent a need for communication and understanding in order to move on from the past. The fact that she was supposed to be in school may symbolize a sense of guilt or responsibility for her troubled behavior, and your willingness to spend time with her despite this may indicate a desire to mend your relationship. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your subconscious desire to reconcile and find closure with your past, and to move forward with forgiveness and understanding.