Revolutionary Dreams: Symbolism and Meaning

Revolutionary Dreams: Symbolism and Meaning
i dreamt that there was a person that wanted to start a revolution by using water bottles as bombs, then a guy named matteo, that helped me a lot emotionally and spiritually that i really respect and admire in real life, said: what if we run in france?(which is the place where i live now in real life, to avoid the terrorist. So he started running to the airport i, my mom, sister and many other people followed him; But in the process we were separated by matteo from " bottle bombs" that were thrown in front of me, my sister, mother then all 3 exploded and i woke up

This dream may symbolize a desire for change and a need for protection in your waking life. The person wanting to start a revolution with water bottle bombs could represent a disruptive force or idea that you are trying to contain or control. Matteo, who represents emotional and spiritual support, suggests that you seek a safe haven in France, where you currently reside. This could indicate a desire for stability and security in your life. The act of running to the airport with your family and others may symbolize a need for escape or a desire to leave behind a chaotic or dangerous situation. The separation caused by the bottle bombs could represent a fear of being separated from loved ones or a fear of losing control. The explosions could symbolize a release of pent-up emotions or a fear of being harmed. Overall, this dream may reflect your subconscious thoughts and feelings about current events and your desire for safety and stability in your life.