Running Towards Success: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream

Running Towards Success: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream
I'm running home after a UFC event where I got the chance to talk to a champion after his fight. The fighter was Alex Pereira. The event wasn't anything fancy. It was inside a school's grounds on the black top. I spoke to him & he kept saying that the fight was easy for him. He said he had drunk a few beers before the fight & was kind of feeling the effects of the alcohol during the fight, but yet it was still an easy victory for him with this handicap, i.e., he is way ahead of his competition. Alex Pereira is older than me by 1 year. I worry about my age a lot and my chances of success given that I'm in my mid-thirties. After the event I run home but stop somewhere in the beginning b/c I could hear some ruckus down a street. I go to investigate & see a lot of kids yelling. As I draw closer to investigate, I see a dog with its master learning new tricks. It was learning to balance on top of a barrel while balancing something on its nose if I remember correctly. The master was very strict & when he would discipline the dog, he made a lot of noise. After seeing this, I decided to continue my run back home. This time when I ran, I ran at speeds I never seen before. I ran so fast I missed the turn to my house because I could not slow down fast enough to make the turn. My speed was too fast for me to turn effectively. So, I missed my turn & kept going straight. I eventually end up at my old high school & again I'm still having difficulties with the turns. I try to run through my high school but did not want to run though the grass so I decide to get back on the sidewalk. At this point I'm running so fast I'm off from my destination—home. When I get on the sidewalk, round ten high school kids see me running & are amazed by my speed. I'm running so fast that things around me are moving in slow motion. I make a few turns and begin my way back home in the right direction. I turn down this old walkway I use to take back home as a teen and still have difficulties with the turns & this gives a couple kids who saw me at the high school a chance to try to beat me in my run. They surpass me for a bit as my inability to turn effectively leads me into a parking lot next to the trail that I have never seen in my waking. The parking lot looked like an urban in door subterranean parking lot you often find in cities; except, in the neighborhood I’m running in does not have subterranean parking lots in real life.  The town is too small for that.  The trail does go under some major streets and so it leads up these steps to get up to the street.  As the kids go up the steps, I get my bearings and continue my way back home and in a leap conquer 4 to 5 steps easily.  As I’m about to overtake the two young high school students, I wake up.

In this dream, the dreamer is running home after a UFC event where they had the opportunity to speak with a champion, Alex Pereira. The dreamer is worried about their age and chances of success, but Pereira’s easy victory despite being older gives them hope. As they run, they encounter a dog being trained by a strict master, symbolizing discipline and determination. The dreamer’s speed increases as they run, representing their determination and drive towards success. However, they struggle with turns, symbolizing the challenges and obstacles they may face on their journey. The high school represents a time of growth and learning, and the dreamer’s difficulty with turns may suggest they are still learning and growing in their journey towards success. The urban parking lot, which does not exist in the dreamer’s small town, may symbolize the dreamer’s ambition and desire to reach new heights. Overall, this dream may be a reminder to the dreamer to stay disciplined and determined in their pursuit of success, and to trust in God’s timing and plan for their life. As Proverbs 16:3 says, ‘Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.’ This dream may also serve as a reminder to not let age or other perceived limitations hold them back, as with God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). The dreamer’s speed and the amazement of the high school students may also symbolize the potential and impact they have on others when they pursue their dreams with determination and faith in God. As Philippians 4:13 says, ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’ This dream serves as a reminder to trust in God’s strength and guidance as we run towards our goals and dreams.