Struggling for Recognition and Acceptance

Struggling for Recognition and Acceptance
I'm with a group of people. Classmates. And we are trying to do a specific formation where we somehow turn into a bird and we have to fly in a specific way. But we fail again and again and again. And try so many different methods but we just cannot get it right. I attempt talking to them once in a while but it is like they cannot hear my voice. They don't respond. In the end we make it and everyone's whooing and high fiving each other. But not with me. It's like my part in it does not get recognized even when I had the final part that made us finish. I then retreat to myself a little and some of the guys talk about starting a basketball team while being close to me. I express that it'd be fun and it'd like to join but again they say nothing even with eye contact. Then they talk to each other and walk away.

This dream reflects feelings of inadequacy and a desire for recognition and acceptance. The group of classmates represents a social circle or community in waking life, and the specific formation they are trying to achieve symbolizes a shared goal or aspiration. The fact that they are trying to transform into birds suggests a desire for freedom and the ability to soar above challenges. However, the repeated failures and inability to communicate with the group indicate a sense of disconnect and frustration. The dreamer may feel like their contributions and efforts are not being acknowledged or valued by their peers. This is further emphasized by the lack of recognition for their crucial role in finally achieving the goal. The dreamer’s desire to join the basketball team also reflects a desire for inclusion and belonging, but the lack of response from the group suggests a fear of rejection or being overlooked. Overall, this dream highlights the dreamer’s need for validation and acceptance from their social circle.