Surviving a Zombie Outbreak with Family and Friends

Surviving a Zombie Outbreak with Family and Friends
these are not comeplete things because i dont really remember much, but in the start, we saw news about there being a zombie outbreak from eating something when u got bit by a zombie, you didnt get turned into one. our house was near a road next to a cliff side, below it was a small lake/stream and a small building on the land next to it which i think was like a fishing place to get bait and poles. celery somehow randomly turned into a zombie in the middle of the day while we all hung out outside and my parents were inside, my mom cooking and my dad out shopping somewhere. zombies in my dream didnt get affected by light. i think mai mai was with me for some reason but im rlly not sure who it was. mai mai called auntie youki and lowkey thought she was gonna die but auntie youki and auntie see came with a large rope. they both lived across the lake so they took the boat to our house. auntie youki told us to bring celery to the cliff and throw her off. i didnt want to do it at first because yk shes my sister, but i knew that auntie youki and auntie see probably had a plan. so i threw her off with tge help of maimai and cried some more celery got up right away after the fall and dashed towards auntie youki and auntie see. there were three random people there too, and they all held the rope together. i dont know how they did it, but celery was wrapped in a rope, and all five women had a long rope connecting to the one thar celery was tied up with. celery screamed and squirmed , but whenever she did they would just pull harder. i was so scared that i couldnt even say anything except cry. they dragged her somewhere that i couldnt see but i assumed it was their boat. after around 30 minutes,auntie youki said that she will have everything under control and that she will bring celery back home mom walked outside and saw we were crying, and celery wasnt there with us. she asked us where celery went and when we replayed the story to her, she immediately called father to tell him to come home. he refused unil she said that celery was turned into a zombie and now with auntie youki. he cursed and made his way back home right away. i dont remembee what we were talking about but we were talking on some railing where the view was the lake and all the houses across it. while we were talking, i heard someone cry behind me but i recognized them. it was celery. she had come back to being human. she said my name for the first time in what felt like forever. auntie youki was right behind her and explained how she probably wont be human for a long time, but in that short time she would find a cure for celery. we all knew what was gonna happen in a few hours and they waited. i made my way to a highschool party though for some reason. i didnt know my purpose to be there at all, but i kniw that it was at someones house that looked like a broken building in fortnite. i went back home, and celery said that she felt it coming back so we made our way to the cliff, but a different side this time. the first time, we threw her off pn thr right side of the cliff wherre there was a small beach, but now she jumped off the left side which had a reallt tiny strip of land, but there was water there. i didnt dare look after i heard the thud but i almost cried again. i knew that she would ckme back. auntie youki told us that celery will be back home about 6-7:30pm father stayed at home for the rest of the time to see if celery would come back early. us girls however, went to go meet up with the other cousins at a mall. we all met up inside of this one store. somehow we teleported into the mall, and then chose which store we wanted to go to to teleport there. it looked new to me and i asked mom how she made us teleport but she didnt answer me like always and gave me a sheet with tickets on it, saying how many tickets i have. she told me to spend it wisely because she spent $300 on it...i said to her why would you spend 300 bucks on this?! she didnt respond again and walked off somewhere. i gave up and walked towards where i saw alana and oc and yupheng were and asked them what they were doing. they were just shopping and asked where celery was. i guess their mom hadnt told them yet, so i just kept quiet. i left and went to go shopping on my own. i saw mystery blind bags. one of the blind bags, were a girl rabbit and a boy rabbit in wild jerseys. i wanted to get that for bell and mitch so i grabbed three of the blind bags--three just in case one of them didnt have a girl or boy in it. this kid, farson was in there too, and he approached me idk why. he asked me if he can have some tickets because he cant afford something. i said no and he said that i literally had enough to give to him. i still said no and then walked away. it felt like i was in that store for hours, but i didnt realize until i woke up from the dream. celery never came back, i never went to bells house and gave her the presents, and i never purchased my things.

This dream may symbolize the fear of losing loved ones or the struggle to protect them in a dangerous situation. The zombie outbreak represents a threat or danger that is out of our control. The fact that the zombies are not affected by light could suggest that the danger is always present, even in seemingly safe environments. The house near a cliff and a lake could symbolize a feeling of being trapped or surrounded by danger. The small building for fishing could represent the need for resources and survival skills in a crisis. The sudden transformation of the sister into a zombie could represent a sudden change or betrayal from someone close. The arrival of Auntie Youki and Auntie See with a plan to save the sister could symbolize the importance of having a support system and relying on others in times of need. The act of throwing the sister off the cliff could represent sacrificing something or someone for the greater good. The sister’s return to being human could symbolize hope and the possibility of redemption. Overall, this dream may reflect the fear of losing control and the importance of relying on others for support and survival.