Surviving the Purge: A Dream of Overcoming Fear and Finding Strength

Surviving the Purge: A Dream of Overcoming Fear and Finding Strength
It started in a purge like setting. I was walking around an area I'm familiar with and people were in knife fighting. A guy came around a corner and cut my throat vertically from my Adam's apple to just above my heart. I made my way down the street to a bus and took a bus to a hospital. The hospital was basically empty because of the purge like setting. Finally found a doctor in the NICU. He sanitize my wound and wrapped me up. Told me I needed to find somebody else to finish it. Went downstairs and called my mom to say goodbye just in case I didn't make it. Went back upstairs and found a lady who was going to help me but first we had to make it to her office so she could get something. While in the office the guy who cut me showed back up. He started throwing grenades at me and I threw them away each time they got near me. I found a gun that had ammo and shot him over 200 times. He kept coming at me and finally dropped right in front of me. I lay down on my back and close my eyes and that's when I actually woke up. When I woke up I felt the feeling of my throat being cut and thought I was still in the dream for about 5 seconds until I rolled over.

This dream may symbolize a fear of violence and danger in your waking life. The purge-like setting represents a sense of chaos and lawlessness, where people are fighting for survival. The knife fight may represent a personal conflict or struggle you are facing. The man who cuts your throat could represent an external threat or an inner voice that is causing harm. The fact that you make your way to a hospital and find a doctor in the NICU suggests a need for healing and protection. The doctor’s advice to find someone else to finish the fight may indicate a need for support and guidance from others. Calling your mom to say goodbye could symbolize a desire for closure or a need for emotional support. The lady who helps you represents a source of strength and resilience. The grenades thrown by the man may represent obstacles or challenges in your life. Finding a gun and shooting the man over 200 times may symbolize your determination and ability to overcome these challenges. Finally, lying down and closing your eyes may represent a sense of relief and peace after facing and conquering your fears.