Surviving the Unthinkable: A Recurring Zombie Apocalypse Dream

Surviving the Unthinkable: A Recurring Zombie Apocalypse Dream
The dreams - honestly they're more like nightmares - are recurring (have happened three or four times now) and always start out randomly, like sitting in a train car with famous youtubers (watched Murder on the Orient Express the night before the dream) or visiting a dystopian realm on a school trip, but they all eventually end up with me in a house that is mine in the dream. Sometimes it's a random place and other times it's my own house in real life with a few altered details. This is the point where somehow everyone suddenly knows that there is a zombie apocalypse, I'm not sure how. There are always so many random people in the house and more who could possibly be contaminated somehow get in despite my best attempts at keeping them out. I try as hard as I can to get everyone to be quiet and lock all the doors, draw the blinds over the windows, be prepared, but somehow the zombies always manage to get in. The dream ends after I've spent hours hiding in various places and a zombie eventually corners me, and I supposedly die. I watched All Of Us Are Dead, a zombie apocalypse K-drama, a few years ago, and the zombies might be inspired by this however the dreams have no connection to the characters or plot of the show.

This recurring dream may symbolize feelings of being overwhelmed and unable to control a chaotic situation in your waking life. The train car and dystopian realm represent a sense of being out of control and unsure of your surroundings. The house, which is sometimes your own, may represent your sense of security and familiarity. The sudden realization of a zombie apocalypse could represent a sudden and unexpected threat or challenge in your life. The constant influx of people and inability to keep them out may symbolize feeling overwhelmed and unable to protect yourself or those around you. The dream ending with your death may suggest feelings of powerlessness and fear of failure. The inspiration from a zombie apocalypse show may indicate that you are drawing on past experiences or media to make sense of your current challenges. This dream may be a reflection of your subconscious mind trying to process and cope with difficult situations in your waking life.