The Alien Encounter and Escaping Death

The Alien Encounter and Escaping Death
In 1st dream I was encountered by an alien which needs me alive but if I got means after my work done it will kill me it already kill every humans but in a final stage I got escaped but in the second dream all same happened but it countered the final stage which I used to escape in previous dream it feels live the end of the life then I committed suicide then I woke up

The dreamer is faced with a terrifying situation in which they are being pursued by an alien that needs them alive. However, if the dreamer completes their task, the alien will kill them. This represents a feeling of being trapped or controlled in waking life. The dreamer may be facing a difficult decision or obligation that they feel they have no choice but to comply with, even if it goes against their own well-being. The fact that the alien has already killed all humans except for the dreamer suggests a sense of isolation or being alone in their struggles. In the second dream, the dreamer is faced with the same situation, but this time they are able to escape using a tactic they learned in the previous dream. This could symbolize the dreamer’s ability to learn from past experiences and use them to overcome current challenges. However, the dreamer’s sense of hopelessness and feeling of being at the end of their life leads them to commit suicide. This could represent a fear of failure or a desire to escape from overwhelming responsibilities. Overall, the dream suggests a need for the dreamer to find a balance between fulfilling obligations and taking care of their own well-being.