The Battle for Protection: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream

The Battle for Protection: A Biblical Interpretation of a Dream
Me and a friend were snowmobiling but there was no snow, and we were behind a wooden fence. We get stuck on a fallen tree and see a dog sled team stuck in the bushes in front of us, but the guide cannot see us. We got a very bad feeling about him so we left our snowmobiles and went into our house on the other side of the fence. We decided we should go back for our snowmobiles since we did not want to get stolen, but we decided to scout it out to see if the dogsled team and guide were still there. For some reason, we could turn into birds, so we did and we flew over our snowmobiles. We saw they were still there and the sleder hadnt gotten to them, but he was joined by a lady wearing all black that I got a very bad feeling about. She felt evil. We decided to just fly in, get our snowmobiles, and speed back to safety. As we were flying down, the lady and the dog sled team guide wandered upon our snowmobiles and knew we had been there. I knew that they were going to try to find us and there was going to be bad consequences.

This dream may symbolize a spiritual battle for protection and safety. The snowmobiles represent our journey in life, and the lack of snow could represent a lack of guidance or direction. The wooden fence may represent a barrier or boundary that we have set for ourselves. The fallen tree and the stuck dog sled team could symbolize obstacles or challenges that we encounter on our journey. The guide’s inability to see us could represent a lack of spiritual discernment or guidance in our lives. The bad feeling we get about him may be a warning from God to stay away from negative influences.

The decision to go back for the snowmobiles could represent our desire to hold onto our worldly possessions and not let them be taken away. However, the decision to scout it out and turn into birds could symbolize our desire to gain a higher perspective and see things from a spiritual point of view. This could also represent our ability to pray and seek God’s guidance in difficult situations.

The lady in black could represent a spiritual enemy or temptation that we encounter on our journey. The fact that she is joined by the guide could symbolize the enemy using negative influences to try and deceive us. The feeling of evil could be a warning from God to stay away from this temptation.

The decision to fly in and retrieve the snowmobiles could represent our determination to overcome the enemy and protect what is important to us. However, the fact that the lady and the guide discover our presence and intentions could symbolize the enemy becoming aware of our spiritual strength and trying to hinder our progress. This dream may be a reminder to stay vigilant and rely on God’s protection and guidance in all situations.