The Battle of Two Spiders in the Backpack: A Biblical Dream Interpretation

The Battle of Two Spiders in the Backpack: A Biblical Dream Interpretation
I upturned my backpack and emptied the contents out on the ground. There weren’t many things in it, a few bits and pieces. But there were two medium sized spiders in the bag. They were like huntsman spiders. They didn’t want to be discovered and they seemed to fight each other as I tipped them out. The scuttled away from each other and started building webs.

The dream of upturning a backpack and finding two medium-sized spiders inside can be interpreted as a representation of hidden fears or anxieties in one’s life. In the Bible, spiders are often associated with deceit and cunning, as seen in Proverbs 30:28 which says, ‘The spider skillfully grasps with its hands, and it is in kings’ palaces.’ This could suggest that the dreamer may be facing a situation where they feel trapped or manipulated by someone or something in their waking life. The fact that the spiders are fighting each other could symbolize an internal struggle within the dreamer, possibly between their fears and their desire to overcome them. The spiders’ attempts to hide and build webs could also represent the dreamer’s attempts to hide or avoid their fears, rather than facing them head on. This dream could be a reminder for the dreamer to confront their fears and trust in God’s strength to overcome them, as seen in 2 Timothy 1:7 which says, ‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.’ Overall, this dream serves as a reminder to rely on God’s strength and courage to face any challenges or fears in life.