The Betrayal of a Former Friend: A Dream About Jealousy and Insecurity

The Betrayal of a Former Friend: A Dream About Jealousy and Insecurity
I saw my ex best friend at the mall and she was with my crush and he bought her many things. He handed her a lot of bags with things. I think I went up to her and we talked and she said that many things were happening to her and one thing she said is that she was dating my crush . She doesn’t date him in real life. I was shocked and surprised because I thought she would never date. I had a plan and I was thinking I could sneak into her house but then I remembered that her house has many cameras, so later I went to her house so I could sneakily delete his contact from her phone. I pretended I needed to take a shower so I grabbed her phone but then I hid it under the stairways but as I was walking up slowly her phone ringed, her mom came and grabbed and I got caught. Then when I was texting her I told her that I like him but she said that she was dating my crush so I can’t do anything. She doesn’t date him in real life. Then I remembered seeing my ex best friend at this fancy party and she was standing on a small stairway with a random couple next to her and she was wearing a fancy dress. She was smiling so big and wide and my crush was on the other side with people around him. And there was a lot of people like a huge crowd.

This dream may reflect feelings of jealousy and insecurity in your waking life. Seeing your ex best friend with your crush and him buying her many things may symbolize your fear of losing someone you care about to someone else. The fact that she is dating your crush in the dream, even though she doesn’t in real life, could represent your fear of being replaced or not being good enough for your crush. Your plan to sneak into her house and delete his contact from her phone may indicate a desire to control the situation and eliminate any competition. However, getting caught by her mother could suggest that your actions may have consequences and could potentially damage your relationship with your ex best friend. The fancy party and your ex best friend’s happy appearance could symbolize your feelings of being left out and not fitting in with your crush and their social circle. This dream may be a reflection of your insecurities and fears in your waking life, and it may be a sign to address and work through these emotions.