The Black Water and Destroyed Cars: A Dream of Loss and Struggle

The Black Water and Destroyed Cars: A Dream of Loss and Struggle
Took a shower looked back in the tub and water was black and had risen to the top of tube. Then I kept hearing this loud noise outside it was night and it was bad weather that destroyed cars. I seen them discarding cars that was destroyed, and when I went outside and my car was one of them destroyed. I was crying cause I just had made my last payment. Then in my dream I was suppose to pick my mother up from somewhere. I remember dropping her off cause she kept falling asleep behind the wheel. But in really my mother is deceased.

This dream may symbolize feelings of loss and struggle in your waking life. The black water in the shower could represent negative emotions or thoughts that have risen to the surface. The bad weather and destroyed cars could represent external challenges or obstacles that are causing chaos and destruction in your life. The fact that your car was one of the destroyed ones could suggest a sense of powerlessness or vulnerability in the face of these challenges. The crying over your last car payment could symbolize financial stress or the fear of losing something valuable. The presence of your deceased mother could represent unresolved emotions or unfinished business with her. The fact that she kept falling asleep behind the wheel could symbolize a lack of control or direction in your life. Overall, this dream may be reflecting your subconscious fears and anxieties about facing difficult situations and the need to find strength and resilience to overcome them.