The Bride of Christ: A Dream of Warning and Hope

The Bride of Christ: A Dream of Warning and Hope
Deep in prayer over the weekend, crying at the feet of Jesus - literally, I felt him knee down at my side and I could see his pierced feet at my side in the dirt. I love my Jesus = the tender way he has with calming all my fears and anxieties. He grabbed my hand and told me to follow him. Follow him I did...into the unknown. I followed until we were in a desert, surrounded by the Bride of Christ, for as far as I could see, East to West, North to South. Jesus hurried out infront of us, like a map dot we were all following. All of a sudden He stopped, turned and yelled at us all, "Hold on my children - Hold on tight. Do not let go amidst it all." We stood there with questioning looks on our faces. Much of the mass group started talking amongst themselves, while the rest of us kept our eyes on Jesus. We heard a loud low thundering bellow and as I turned around, a sand storm engulfed us all. As much of the group gasped for air, sounds of horrific screams could be heard filling the air. I kept my eyes on Jesus, as did many around me. It was terrifying to watch, as the storm lifted only to see so many dead around me. Not only the people, but birds fell from the sky and dead animal carcasses covered the desert, like sprinkles on a donut. So many who had claimed to be the bride of Christ, now laid lifeless in the sand around my feet. After the air had cleared, Jesus cheered joyfully and sounded the shofar!

This dream is a powerful message about the importance of staying true to one’s faith and following Jesus, even in the face of adversity. The dreamer’s deep connection with Jesus is evident in the way they describe feeling his presence and being comforted by him. The call to follow Jesus into the unknown represents the journey of faith and the trust required to follow God’s plan. The desert symbolizes a spiritual dryness and the challenges that come with being a part of the Bride of Christ. When Jesus stops and yells at the group, it is a warning to hold on tight and not let go amidst the trials and temptations of life. The sandstorm represents the chaos and destruction that can come when one strays from their faith. The dead bodies and animals symbolize the consequences of falling away from God. However, the dream ends with Jesus sounding the shofar, a symbol of hope and victory. This dream serves as a reminder to stay faithful and trust in Jesus, even in the midst of difficult times.