The Brutal Fight and the Famous Rappers: A Dream Analysis

The Brutal Fight and the Famous Rappers: A Dream Analysis
I just had a fucked up dream where I was being hunted down for trying to escape a brutal fight I did not start. Two classmates got into it during a rapper's speech (Kanye), and I was wearing similar clothes to him. But the fight turned bloody and gave me deja vu. But trying to leave the school made a famous rapper (Drake) chase me down and try to crucify me by my ears. Nobody defended me they just watched. What does it mean

This dream may symbolize feelings of being trapped and hunted down in a difficult situation. The fight between two classmates could represent inner conflicts or external pressures that you are trying to escape from. The fact that you were wearing similar clothes to Kanye West, a controversial and polarizing figure, could suggest that you feel misunderstood or judged by others. The bloody fight and deja vu may indicate a recurring issue or past trauma that you are trying to avoid. The appearance of Drake, another famous rapper, could represent feelings of competition or comparison with others. The act of being chased and crucified by your ears could symbolize feeling attacked or criticized for your words or opinions. The lack of defense from others could suggest feelings of isolation or lack of support in your waking life. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your fears and anxieties about standing out or being judged by others.