The Bus Ride to Death: A Dream Analysis

The Bus Ride to Death: A Dream Analysis
I was riding a bus with some other family and friends going to a vacation. The bus keep circling in one direction and when it finally went straight, i saw on the windows the killings on the street. The driver stood up and slit my throat. I can feel may blood spilling all over and told my friends at the back ive been hit. They dont believe me. I held my brother in laws hand and place it to cover my cut. They were shocked to know ive been slit. My auntie saw me and i told her to keep quiet and mouthed to tell my mother i love her so much and take care of my dogs. She told me that my mom got nothing to worry about. I can really feel im losing air and blood spilling on my throat and all i can think about are the safety of my dogs.

This dream may symbolize a fear of losing control or being trapped in a dangerous situation. The bus represents a journey or path in life, and the fact that it keeps circling in one direction could suggest feeling stuck or unable to move forward. The killings on the street seen through the windows could represent a sense of danger or violence in the waking life. The driver standing up and slitting the dreamer’s throat could symbolize a loss of power or control, and the dreamer’s friends not believing them could represent a lack of support or understanding from others. The dreamer’s focus on their dogs could symbolize a desire for protection and safety. Overall, this dream may reflect feelings of vulnerability and a need for protection and support in the waking life.