The Chaos of Controlling a Burning Kitchen in a Dream

The Chaos of Controlling a Burning Kitchen in a Dream
Omg I woke up from a weird nighmare. I dreamt that I was sitting in the kitchen with my children and some other people. Dont know. Anyway someone (I think it was my sister Laura, she has always been clumsy) wanted to burn a candle but there was also lavendel plant. My favorite plant which I always kill when I buy me one in real life🤯😅 And Laura didnt only burn the candle but also the lavendel plant. Had to put the fire out with a towel. Then a cup of coffe caught fire (how?😅🫣) I extinguished it with water from a kettle. Then an extension cord. Also extinguished it. Then the oven. Also extinguished it. I extinguished lots of fires but there was always within seconds a new one somewhere else. Then I was like, Oh shit I think you aren't supposed to extinguish electrical appliances with water. Now this fire is unstoppaple! (Yes thats how it works.Wouldnt have been electrocuted by now, only other fires magically appear when extinguishing electrical appliances with water🤣🫣) Anyway so I told everyone to leave the fuck! Iwas the only one who did sth in this full kitchen, everyone just sat still while things were burning down. But when I yelled at them and took control they all came. So we got downstairs, were about to leave. But there was also the church secretary working there (the first floor of my children house is basically occupied for church business, my dad's office, a kitchen for preparing food and coffee for the church, a conference room and the church office) And I was screaming to her, there is a fire upstairs you NEED to leave, even though the fire isnt there yet. It will come!! And she was like super calm, saying yeah yeah I need to get sth ready first then I will leave. And I yelled, no NOW! and everyone left the house just in time for it burning down I was super calm and controlling the whole time,even though taking the necessary actions!

This dream may symbolize feelings of being overwhelmed and out of control in your waking life. The kitchen represents a place of nourishment and sustenance, and the presence of your children and other people may suggest a sense of responsibility and pressure to take care of others. The burning candle and lavender plant could represent a conflict between your desire for relaxation and self-care (lavender) and the demands and chaos of daily life (burning candle). Your sister Laura, who is known for being clumsy, may represent a part of yourself that you feel is causing chaos and destruction. The repeated fires and your attempts to extinguish them may symbolize your constant efforts to put out small problems or conflicts in your life, but feeling like they keep popping up elsewhere. The church secretary’s calmness and refusal to leave may represent a part of yourself that is resistant to change or taking action. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your need to find balance and control in your life amidst chaos and responsibilities.