The Complexities of Friendship and Parenting in a Dream

The Complexities of Friendship and Parenting in a Dream
We were at my current house. I was up for about 24-48 hours straight because Jenna (my best friend in real life) and I went to a Hanson concert and I had to be back. Emma (my teenage daughter in real life) was at the house before we flew in so I called Corie (an estranged friend in real life but seems we had a friendship in the dream) to go to the house to keep her company. Not sure where Ledger and Presley (my two younger children in real life) were this whole time. We get home and Jenna goes inside. I stay outside cleaning up trash in the yard. I see Uber Eats bags on the porch, and go to get them. One has fries, a burger, and a big bottle of maybe Whiskey. I assume it’s from Adrian (Emma’s father who I rarely speak to in real life) to Emma. I’m about to grab it to go talk to Emma about it But I get distracted and leave it there I know Corie can see me on the porch but I haven’t said hi yet. I go inside and I go talk to Jenna about how Adrian said Emma shouldn’t be drinking but he’s the one supplying. I go downstairs, Corie isn’t there anymore and I’m confused. Apparently she left upset with me. I talk to Emma and see she has the Uber bags. I asked if she saw everything in there. She said yeah. And I asked if she think there’s something she shouldn’t have. She seemed confused, then said “oh yeah, the alcohol, I’m not sure why he keeps sending it after I’ve said he needs to stop enabling me.” I took the bottle and gave it to Jenna. She took a glass out, enjoyed it right then and there. Then my mind flipped to having to find Corie and figure out why she’s mad. I was suddenly in a high school setting. there was a study hall set up like a college class, with tables on levels with steps, in the front of class is the professor/boards, etc. Before I sat down, we all went outside to watch some other students do a gym activity. It seemed like It was a mix of elementary, middle school, and adult (but maybe I was high school age?). I kept seeing glimpses of Corie - she was telling everyone she was mad at me, Finally I got her to stop walking away or being elusive. I said “I was working on no sleep after 48 hrs and trying to figure out the alcohol situation, I didn’t know you’d take off before I could say hello. I wasn’t trying to be rude. She wasn’t accepting my apology, and didn’t care I had other things going on, that I should have acknowledged her. So I said “okay it’s not getting through to you.” (In real life we stopped talking because I’d cancel last minute when she invited me out. I tried explaining I’m not trying to cancel on purpose, my life was just up to my kids, they were a lot younger then, and I had a toxic boyfriend that tried to get between us. it kind of worked) Suddenly it got dark outside. everyone said to run to cover because the storms coming. We all go inside. I need to find my backpack in the professor’s room. I go down all the aisles but can’t find it. I feel a nail in my shoe that almost penetrated my foot. I give it to a staff member, they’re not concerned. I decide to not find my backpack after looking for “3 hours” is what I said. Almost everyone was out of the classroom or picked up by their parents. I see some art supplies I remember having in real life, along with a tote bag that says Mmmbop (one I actually have) in a corner. So I just take that and feel better, even though it has none of my supplies. I go to a locker I can’t figure out the combo to, but I get it to open anyway. A cute guy had his locker under mine. He seemed interested until he tried to rub off my long chin hair with his hand and it wouldn’t come off, so he just said he would see me later. I knew it was because of my chin hair but it didn’t bother me. Then I go to a house where I’m babysitting, even though the family is home. The baby favored me so they kept me around. The dark clouds became more ominous. The parents in the house kept the phone tied up, but I wanted to call my mom. I walked outside to see the neighbor also looking skyward, and apparently we are in a tornado watch. I start crying & I said I haven’t been able to get ahold of my mom, and they won’t let me call her. She said I can use her phone, which was corded to the wall. She called the operator then handed it to me but I knew the number so I hung up and tried dialing the number. I kept dialing the wrong one, because the numbers weren’t where they should’ve been & there were extra buttons everywhere. every time I tried to call it wouldn’t go to the right person because no matter how much I looked and tried to be intentional about which button I pressed, I would accidentally press where the right one should be but it wasn’t. I was in tears. no one would offer to help or dial the number for me. I just wanted to have my mom pick me up before the storm hit.

This dream may reflect the dreamer’s current struggles with balancing their relationships and responsibilities. The presence of the dreamer’s best friend and estranged friend may symbolize the dreamer’s desire for connection and reconciliation in their waking life. The dreamer’s daughter and her father may represent the dreamer’s concerns about parenting and the influence of others on their child. The dreamer’s exhaustion and confusion may suggest feelings of overwhelm and difficulty in managing their various roles and obligations. The high school setting and the dreamer’s attempts to apologize to their friend may symbolize the dreamer’s desire for resolution and closure in their relationships. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s inner conflicts and the need to find balance and harmony in their personal connections and responsibilities.