The Consequences of Attraction and Aggression: A Dream of Reflection and Self-Discovery

The Consequences of Attraction and Aggression: A Dream of Reflection and Self-Discovery
I was on vacation in Cuba and I saw a really handsome man. I really liked him, and I thought it out loud. This old man came up to me and said our paths would cross. They did and I ended up sitting next to him at dinner. He didn’t speak English but he kissed me and then disappeared. Then a woman came up to me and her palms were cut and bleeding. She wouldn’t stop pressing down on my shoulders even though I told her to stop because she got a lot of blood on me. She kept telling me I am evil and a bad person. Then suddenly a guy walked by and kicked a big beautiful exotic bird with full force. That made me really angry. Then he squatted down next to me to tie his shoe. I pushed him onto his bottom and asked him how he liked to be kicked. He couldn’t reply because the bird attacked him and started gnawing his eyes out. The lady with the bloody palms came up to me again and said: see, you know you’re a bad person, you blinded him.

This dream may symbolize the inner conflict between your desires and your conscience. The handsome man in Cuba represents a desire for passion and excitement, but the old man’s warning suggests that pursuing this desire may lead to unexpected consequences. The woman with bloody palms may represent guilt or a sense of wrongdoing, as her actions leave a literal stain on you. This could reflect your fear of being judged or labeled as a bad person for following your desires. The man who kicks the bird may represent your own aggressive tendencies, which are triggered by the anger and frustration caused by the woman’s accusations. However, the bird’s retaliation and the woman’s repeated accusations may also symbolize the consequences of acting on these aggressive impulses. The dream may be urging you to reflect on your actions and consider the potential harm they may cause. By pushing the man and asking him how he likes to be treated, you are confronting your own aggression and questioning its impact. The bird’s attack and the woman’s final statement may be a reminder to take responsibility for your actions and their consequences. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your inner struggles and a call to examine your desires, impulses, and actions in order to find a balance between passion and morality.