The Consequences of Neglecting Family in a Dream

The Consequences of Neglecting Family in a Dream
my mother was not happy with me anymore and without reason to decided to kick onto the streets. I said I don't have anything. She said she doesn't care. Just leave the house. I left the house and found a girl who was living in room heated and asked if I could sleep in with her for holding her for body heat. She said I can stay but didn't answer to hold her so I went back to my mother house. Cleaned my nails with a needle and brush. Nails were shiny

This dream may symbolize the consequences of neglecting one’s family and the importance of maintaining strong familial relationships. The dreamer’s mother represents the nurturing and caring aspect of the family, and her sudden decision to kick the dreamer out of the house without reason may indicate feelings of rejection and abandonment. This could be a reflection of the dreamer’s own neglect towards their family, causing their mother to feel unhappy and distant. The dreamer’s plea to stay and hold the girl for body heat may symbolize their desire for warmth and comfort from their family, but the girl’s refusal to be held could represent the dreamer’s inability to connect with their family on an emotional level. The dreamer’s return to their mother’s house and cleaning their nails with a needle and brush may symbolize the need for purification and cleansing of their actions towards their family. The shiny nails could represent the dreamer’s desire to make amends and improve their relationship with their family. Overall, this dream serves as a reminder to prioritize and nurture familial relationships, as neglecting them can lead to feelings of rejection and distance.