The Dangers of Being Dismissed: A Dream About Speaking Out Against Injustice

The Dangers of Being Dismissed: A Dream About Speaking Out Against Injustice
I was an older lady and there was a man next door who kept adopting kids then I found out he was killing them so whenever I tried to tell someone they didn't believe me so when I asked the kids that he did not kill yet they said no he is a good man and won't harm them but I saw him kill the kids so I went to the cops but they didn't believe me no one believed me

This dream may reflect feelings of frustration and helplessness in the face of injustice. The dreamer takes on the role of an older lady, symbolizing wisdom and experience, who becomes aware of a man next door who is adopting children only to harm and kill them. This could represent a situation in the dreamer’s waking life where they have become aware of someone who is taking advantage of vulnerable individuals. The dreamer’s attempts to speak out and seek help are met with disbelief and dismissal, symbolized by the children and the police not believing their claims. This could suggest feelings of being unheard or not taken seriously in a real-life situation. The dream may also be a warning to the dreamer to trust their instincts and not be deterred by others’ disbelief. It is important for the dreamer to find a way to speak out and protect those who are vulnerable.