The Dark Nun and the Executioner: A Dream of Redemption and Destruction

The Dark Nun and the Executioner: A Dream of Redemption and Destruction
Everything was darkness, I heard the church bells and then an eye with a red iris opened in front of me, it began to cry black tears, then it turned into a moon that seemed to cry in the same way. Then I was in the air: I could see a landscape, it was night, the black mountains in the background, on the right some dark green forests, in the center plains covered in blue light, on the left a beach and a coastal city. , and above there was a huge neo-Gothic city with hundreds of lights in the windows but behind it there was a gigantic gray cathedral that seemed to watch over everything. I descended slowly and saw below, a small black city bathed in blue light. and I heard a voice, the voice of a woman praying: "Forgive my soul and my heart, because your tortuous path continues, I will heal your blood, I will take care of your tears. My dear Executioner." And I could see her, she was a nun with a black and white mask, her black hair covered her left eye, her nun's outfit was very revealing, her body was too erotic to be that of a nun and I saw that red eye again crying black tears , I saw how dozens of black tears slid down the mask and fell onto my chest. Hands made of those tears and shadows surrounded me, took my hands, hugged me, caressed my face. That nun spoke again and said: "My dear Executioner... I beg you... I implore you... Murder this world." She grabbed my head and snuggled me into her chest in a loving hug. Unfortunately I woke up there and I really don't know if anything else happened.

This dream is a powerful representation of inner turmoil and the struggle between good and evil. The darkness that surrounds everything at the beginning symbolizes the dreamer’s feelings of hopelessness and despair. The church bells represent a call to faith and redemption, but the appearance of the red-eyed eye and the black tears suggest a darker force at work. The transformation into a moon crying in the same way suggests a cyclical pattern of pain and suffering. The landscape seen from above represents the dreamer’s inner world, with the dark mountains and forests representing their fears and the blue plains representing their hopes and dreams. The coastal city and the neo-Gothic city with the gray cathedral symbolize the dreamer’s conflicting desires for both a peaceful life and a life of power and control. The nun, with her revealing outfit and eroticism, represents the dreamer’s inner desires and temptations. Her plea for the executioner to murder the world is a reflection of the dreamer’s desire to destroy their own inner struggles and conflicts. The tears and shadows that surround the dreamer represent their emotions and inner turmoil, while the nun’s embrace represents a desire for comfort and love. Ultimately, the dream ends with uncertainty, leaving the dreamer to question whether they will choose redemption or destruction in their waking life.