The Dark Side of Relationships: A Dream of Betrayal and Danger

The Dark Side of Relationships: A Dream of Betrayal and Danger
started out boyfriend and I were fighting - used auto pilot driving- so I didn’t manually have to ( Wendy’s was significant , in the beginning) I got dropped off to my moms house my aunt had left me a Christmas present - a bracelet, and some money - which if I remember correctly it was enough for diapers and At some point - me and bryn went from being at my moms to being with something gray haired trucker - prositute was significant in this she was blonde specifically - I had money - I had left in the hotel room , right by all her makeup - “asked to use it, she said “I’d be happy if you didn’t “ We were leaving hotel room . I got in the back of this big ass semi truck that was omg so wobbly so tucking wishy washy. We parked - I undid the latch. Took bryn and i out , ran back to the hotel room Bryn and I sat on the couch - my money was gone and there was a powder on the arm of the couch - bryn being Bryn stuck her finger in it & put it in her mouth … and it twas coke.. I FREAKED OUT - she went pale ,, I went running down the hall - no heart attack she got this big ass bumpy rash on her arm .. Found trucker dude in the middle of this meeting - LITERALLY ATTACKED HIM ,, my money and my identification cards were in his shirt not in pockets , I mean actual shirt .. basically ripped his shirt of his back , knocked him out a couple times SideBar: I remember going through videos on his phone of him have sexual intercourse with a dog && LITERALLY PICTURES of me dressed as a prositute ..

This dream may reflect feelings of insecurity and conflict in your relationship with your boyfriend. The fighting and use of auto pilot while driving symbolize a lack of control and direction in the relationship. The mention of Wendy’s may represent a desire for comfort and familiarity in the midst of turmoil. Being dropped off at your mom’s house and receiving a Christmas present from your aunt may symbolize a need for support and nurturing from family during this difficult time. The presence of a blonde prostitute and a gray-haired trucker may represent temptation and danger in the relationship. The money and bracelet left by your aunt may symbolize material possessions and financial stability being used to lure you away from your values and morals. The hotel room and makeup may represent a facade or false image being presented in the relationship. The discovery of your boyfriend’s disturbing videos and pictures may reveal a deep betrayal and violation of trust. The cocaine and Bryn’s reaction may symbolize the negative consequences and harm caused by this toxic relationship. The attack on the trucker and retrieval of your money and identification may represent a desire to take back control and reclaim your identity. This dream may be a warning to reevaluate your relationship and make sure it is not causing harm to yourself or others.