The Dark Side of Sibling Rivalry: A Dream of Jealousy and Murder

The Dark Side of Sibling Rivalry: A Dream of Jealousy and Murder
I had a weird little brother that was super jealous of my older sister who was super successful in the movie industry. I talk and monologue about wise thoughts and morals after watching them. He overheard and is really weird about it, seemingly jotting it down and wanting to create movies himself wanting game as well. He gets weirder every day and then goes on to make his own movies. But he doesn't stop there. He continues to take my ideas and looming over the inferiority complex he has with my sister. Eventually he goes insane so I decide to kill him. I use a thin katana and perform moves like the anime character he looks like in my dream. I tell my sister as she comes into the room. She is not happy and disgusted, she is also very bonehead like, as a zombie. Was she always like this? I come out and move all my stuff away from the corpse and my dad questions me. He sees my brother dead, and asks why. Why again? I remember I've had another dream of killing someone before, slightly for the same reason, of killing for karma, as someone has done something bad. I ask him to hear me out, and I tell him what he has done, before my dad interrupts me and gives me a chart with an animation that goes with what happened as my brother was born and growing up. He was a devil. And evil gremlin who did horrible things. To name one of the few, about 7 times in the third grade, he made everyone pass out on Halloween, and took their pictures. He was the only one smiling, eyes open. Two out of seven times, they were faced backwards. I wanted to listen more before I woke up. I guess well never know what else he did. The thing is, I do not think I could ever actually kill someone. I don't have the guts or motive to. I've only ever thought of killing myself, though those feelings are gone now.

This dream may reflect feelings of jealousy and competition within your own family dynamic. The presence of a younger brother who is envious of an older, successful sister may symbolize your own feelings of inadequacy or resentment towards a sibling or family member who seems to have it all. The fact that your brother is interested in creating movies and games, like your sister, may suggest a desire to follow in their footsteps and achieve the same level of success. However, the dream takes a dark turn as your brother’s jealousy and inferiority complex drive him to insanity and ultimately, his death at your hands. This could represent a fear of your own destructive tendencies or a desire to eliminate any competition or threat to your own success. The appearance of your sister as a zombie may symbolize a sense of guilt or regret for your actions. The revelation of your brother’s true nature as a devil and evil gremlin may suggest repressed anger or resentment towards him. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of unresolved issues and emotions within your family relationships.