The Dark Waters of Infatuation: A Dream Analysis

The Dark Waters of Infatuation: A Dream Analysis
So my dream consisted of a new place where I was in a school/ dorm thing. I remember very vividly being infatuated with drinking this black water it would come from natural waters sources not the sink and would be super refreshing yet all night kept waking up in a sweat. I remember in this dream I hallucinate versions of me and they would give me advice. Someone warned me to not mess with it and it's void energy/sorta evil. All around dream was just super weird and I woke up all night

This dream may symbolize a new phase or journey in your life, represented by the school/dorm setting. The black water, which is both refreshing and potentially dangerous, could represent a new opportunity or temptation that you are drawn to. The fact that it comes from natural sources suggests that this opportunity may seem natural or meant to be, but the warning from your hallucinated selves indicates that it may have negative consequences. This could be a warning to not get too caught up in something that seems alluring but may ultimately harm you. The sweat and waking up throughout the night could represent your inner conflict and uncertainty about this potential path. It may be wise to listen to the advice of your inner selves and avoid getting involved with something that may have a dark or negative energy. Trust your instincts and be cautious in your decisions.