The Deadly Ambush: A Dream Analysis

The Deadly Ambush: A Dream Analysis
I was with a childhood friend outside a house while his family and my mom were chatting in the front yard. we moved away from our families so that they wouldn’t overhear us. He was talking about a new job that he was offered after he graduated college. The job would be a management job but it really was a factory foreman position since he would help with the manufacturing as well as lead the floor. The odd thing was the manufacturing was for a casino and it seemed to be more of assembling small bags filled with dice and cards. My friend didn’t know if he wanted to accept the job. He didn’t like the idea of working their but he wanted to work. I was discussing with him the pros and cons of working there. I was telling him if he would be able to enjoy life while hating where he worked. I said that some people are able to do that and he should see if he is one of those people. an ambulance pulls up and this woman with a stereotypical 50‘s nurse outfit gets out of the ambulance and a man in a black mask. He has a large syringe filled with gas. She first injects my friend, knocking him out. She tries to spray me with the syringe gas but I run away and shout out for help. our families get up and his dad runs to the ambulance. . I start to run back to the ambulance so that I can hopefully help subdued the duo. His dad rescues him and starts to subdue the duo. I hear a scream from my friend’s mom. during the fight the nurse was able to kill his dad. my childhood friend is safe. There is then a revelation that there is disease that causes people to become homicidal. The nurse and the person with the black mask were infected. I start to run as some this man chases me. I run back to my apartment. It is afternoon. I close the door behind me. The person kicks open the door because I forgot to lock the door. seeing my mistake I slam the door and I am able to lock it. I look at the man through a peephole. He smiles and says that I am one of the only two remaining survivors left in this building. Somehow I “win” . I run outside. it is nighttime. I am seeing chaos in the streets and then the neighborhood looks familiar. it is my childhood city. I run all the way to main street . There is several police cars and ambulances. I run to the emergency workers . I feel safe. I am put on a stretcher . Suddenly I am infected and then I rampage and kill forty or so people.

This dream may symbolize feelings of fear and uncertainty in your waking life. The presence of your childhood friend and family may represent a sense of comfort and familiarity, but their distance from you suggests a sense of isolation and detachment. The new job opportunity may represent a major decision or change in your life, and the conflicting emotions surrounding it may reflect your inner struggle with making a difficult choice. The casino and its manufacturing of seemingly harmless items may symbolize a facade or deception in your life. The arrival of the ambulance and the nurse and masked man may represent a sudden and unexpected threat or danger. The struggle and death of your friend’s father may symbolize the loss of a guiding figure or authority in your life. The revelation of a disease causing homicidal behavior may represent a fear of losing control or being influenced by negative forces. Your escape and eventual infection may symbolize a sense of powerlessness and the inability to escape from a dangerous situation. The familiarity of your childhood city may represent a longing for simpler times or a desire for safety and security. Overall, this dream may reflect your fears and anxieties about making important decisions and facing unexpected challenges in your waking life.