The Deadly Experiment: A Dream of Betrayal and Manipulation

The Deadly Experiment: A Dream of Betrayal and Manipulation
So I was in this ally and I was going some kinda deal or something for a brief case when one of my colleagues try and attack the huge guy holding the case I have to shoot the guy so my fried doesn't die so I kill the huge man and we take the case into a car we look into an ally to see a pleague doctor dragging the huge man's body away we skacdatle to this place where were supposed to sell the brief case at this abandoned slaughter house when we get there I pass out because of the smell and go through like this water slide like tube filled with other dead bodies and woke up in an asylum I do various tasks with this nurse like solbing a rebuix cube and tread mil stuff and there like forcing a ton of pills down my mouth and this goes on for a while until i wake up during thr night one time and puke my out blood and teeth my skin melts as my eyes balls drop onto the floor and i die but before I die I hear the nurse say "looks like the pills didn't work try adding potassium with the next experiment" so I assumed all the pills I was taking caused the throwing up teeth and skin melting thing

This dream may symbolize feelings of betrayal and manipulation in your waking life. The alley represents a hidden or secretive aspect of yourself, and the briefcase symbolizes a valuable possession or secret. Your colleague’s attack on the huge man may represent a betrayal or threat to your secret. Shooting the man may symbolize your need to defend yourself and protect your secret. The plague doctor dragging the body away may represent the consequences of your actions catching up to you. The abandoned slaughterhouse may symbolize a sense of danger or fear. The tasks with the nurse may represent your attempts to control or manage the situation, but the forced pills and experiments may symbolize a loss of control and manipulation by others. The water slide filled with dead bodies may symbolize a descent into darkness or a loss of self. The throwing up of blood and teeth and the melting skin may symbolize the destruction of your identity or sense of self. The nurse’s comment about adding potassium may symbolize a need for balance and stability in your life. This dream may be a warning to be cautious of those who may betray or manipulate you, and to take control of your own life and decisions.