The Deadly Storm: A Dream of Fear and Uncertainty

The Deadly Storm: A Dream of Fear and Uncertainty
It was some kind if deadly storm that was supposed to come at certain hour during the day, but it didn t follow the hours. The sky was getting dark and people had to seek shelter fast not to get infected and die. Somehow I was thinking about my kod or my nephew that he was alone and I didn t know if he had shelter or not. It was also weird that I saw some kind of people that were having like a gang bang in a group duribg the storm

This dream reflects feelings of fear and uncertainty in your waking life. The storm represents a looming threat or challenge that you feel unprepared for. The fact that it did not follow the expected schedule suggests that this threat may come unexpectedly or in a way that you did not anticipate. The darkness of the sky symbolizes the darkness and chaos that this threat brings. Seeking shelter represents your instinct to protect yourself from this danger. Your thoughts about your kod or nephew may indicate a sense of responsibility or concern for loved ones in the face of this threat. The gang bang during the storm may represent a sense of chaos and lack of control in your life. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of your anxieties and fears about a current or potential challenge in your waking life. It is important to address these fears and find ways to prepare and protect yourself in order to overcome this challenge.