The Death of an Abusive Figure: A Dream of Relief and Curiosity

The Death of an Abusive Figure: A Dream of Relief and Curiosity
Context: Nerissa Zhang was my former weightlifting coach is very abusive. Her husband, James Zhang, is also very abusive. I lived with them, and was even adopted by them, for 3 years. The abuse drove me to a breakdown and she kicked me out. I’ve been recovering and living with my real family since. Last month I made a report to the police and CPS opened up an investigation and they’re not happy about it. Dream: I was half living with the Zhang and half living with my family. Zhangs and I went on a trip to some place with water and cobblestone paths. We went out onto a boat and sailed out to a sight seeing tower in the middle of the water. I went up there with James. Saw the view and left him there to go do my own thing. Everything was fine but there was some tension in the air. Then I'm with my parents. I'm at their house but they live in a big apartment. I'm unpacking things in my room and I get called to the living room. My mom and dad said James died in an accident. He fell off the tower. I had received a letter notifying us about his death and because I was the one who was adopted by him (and the oldest), I was to receive his inheritance. I didn't bat an eye and was just like nah that should go to Ming Ming (his real son). When I heard the news I immediately prayed for the safety and peace of their kids. I felt a big sense of relief. I felt worried for the kids. I was curious about Nerissa's state. It was a weird feeling in the air but I wasn't feeling hurt anymore. It was weird. My dad felt weird about the whole thing so I spent time with him off and on to make him feel better. We turn on the TV and see the sight seeing tower James was on. They made a 3D mock up of how he could've potentially fallen and said they found a second body. I didn't see anyone else up there other than James when I left him behind so I was wondering who the second body was. Then I woke up

This dream may symbolize the dreamer’s subconscious desire for closure and resolution in regards to their past experiences with their abusive former weightlifting coach and her husband. The dreamer’s half-living situation with the Zhangs and their trip to a place with water and cobblestone paths may represent the constant back-and-forth struggle between their past and present living situations. The boat ride and sightseeing tower may symbolize the journey towards healing and finding peace. The dreamer’s decision to leave James behind and do their own thing may represent their desire to break free from the abuse and move on with their life. The news of James’ death and the dreamer’s lack of emotional response may symbolize their detachment from their abuser and their ability to let go of the pain and hurt caused by them. The dreamer’s concern for the Zhangs’ children and curiosity about Nerissa’s state may represent their empathy and forgiveness towards their abusers. The dreamer’s father’s unease and their efforts to comfort him may symbolize their own inner turmoil and the need for support from their loved ones. The 3D mock-up and discovery of a second body may represent the uncovering of hidden truths and the dreamer’s realization that there may have been more to their abuser’s actions than they initially thought. Overall, this dream may reflect the dreamer’s journey towards healing and closure, as well as their ability to move on from a traumatic past.