The Deception of a Long-Lost Friend: A Christian Biblical Interpretation of a Dream

The Deception of a Long-Lost Friend: A Christian Biblical Interpretation of a Dream
I saw a friend from a very long time ago who I have not had contact with for over twenty years. I saw her as though we were girls again. In real life I know that her friendship was not trustworthy but I loved her very much. In the dream she was all super friendly and I was thrilled to see her. She kissed me on the mouth and then kind of danced away. Then she came over and put lots of saliva on her lips and kissed me on the cheek again. I was a bit confused about that.

The dream of seeing a long-lost friend from childhood may symbolize a longing for a simpler time or a desire for reconnection. However, the dreamer’s knowledge of the friend’s untrustworthiness in real life suggests a warning from God to be cautious of false friendships and to not let nostalgia cloud one’s judgment. The friend’s friendly demeanor in the dream may represent the temptation to overlook past hurts and overlook red flags in relationships. The kiss on the mouth may symbolize the friend’s attempt to deceive and manipulate the dreamer, while the dance may represent the friend’s charm and charisma. The kiss on the cheek with excessive saliva may symbolize the friend’s insincerity and deceit. This dream serves as a reminder to the dreamer to be discerning in relationships and to not let past emotions blind them to the truth. It also serves as a warning to not let old friendships or relationships resurface if they were not healthy or beneficial in the past. Ultimately, this dream may be a message from God to be cautious and wise in all relationships, and to seek His guidance and discernment in choosing friends and companions.