The Devil’s Sanctuary

The Devil’s Sanctuary
It took place in a huge sanctuary, beautiful beaches, beautiful Greek-like buildings, tons of people resided in these buildings. However, if someone were to make too much noise, underneath the sanctuary was a realm of darker spirits who come through these circular portals placed all around the Sanctuary. They would come through these portals and take whatever is making the noise. I accidentally made noise and a couple creatures came out while one held onto me. He revealed that he was the Devil. He kept asking why I was afraid of him, I responded “Because you’re the devil.” And he said he wasn’t going to hurt me, all he wanted was to stay by my side. He guided me through the sanctuary as the other creatures kept looking for the noises.

The dream takes place in a sanctuary, symbolizing a place of peace and tranquility. The beautiful beaches and Greek-like buildings represent a desire for a perfect and idyllic life. However, the presence of a large number of people living in these buildings suggests a feeling of being overwhelmed and crowded in waking life. The circular portals represent a gateway to the subconscious mind, where darker and repressed emotions reside. The creatures that come through these portals symbolize these negative emotions, and their appearance when there is too much noise suggests that they are triggered by external disturbances. The Devil’s appearance and his claim to not want to harm the dreamer may represent a fear of facing one’s own negative thoughts and emotions. His desire to stay by the dreamer’s side could symbolize a need for acceptance and understanding of these darker aspects of the self. The Devil guiding the dreamer through the sanctuary could suggest a need for guidance and support in navigating through these difficult emotions. Overall, the dream may be a reflection of the dreamer’s inner turmoil and a call to confront and accept their negative emotions in order to find inner peace.