The Disappearance and Return of Familiar Faces: A Dream Analysis

The Disappearance and Return of Familiar Faces: A Dream Analysis
I am at a party but in the party there is a group of people that I know that I see get taken and then go missing. But by the end of the party they are back. Few days later I find there bodies in water right after I get done talking to one of them. I show the one I was talking to and they are just as confused as I am like they have a consensus

This dream may symbolize feelings of anxiety or fear about losing people who are important to you. The party setting could represent a social gathering or a sense of celebration, suggesting that these people hold a significant place in your life. The fact that they are taken and then return could reflect a fear of losing them or a sense of relief when they come back. The bodies found in water could represent a sense of emotional turmoil or a feeling of being overwhelmed by your emotions. The fact that you find them after talking to one of the missing people could suggest that you are trying to make sense of their disappearance and are searching for answers. The confusion and consensus with the person you were talking to could symbolize your own inner conflict and uncertainty about the situation. This dream may be a reflection of your subconscious fears and concerns about losing important relationships in your life.