The Disappearing Refrigerator and the Pastor’s Wife

The Disappearing Refrigerator and the Pastor’s Wife
I left something in a rectangular room in a refrigerator at my old church. When I went back to the room to get it, the pastors wife was sitting at a table with 2 other women and she seemed to have somewhat nefarious intentions towards. The refrigerator was no longer there. I went searching in other rooms of the church and couldn't find it. I seen the pastors wife later outside and I told her that she was getting rained on ( it was a light rain) she said she wasn't. I seen her inside later and her hair had fallen and her makeup was running.

This dream may symbolize feelings of loss and betrayal in your waking life. The rectangular room and refrigerator represent a specific place and object that hold significance to you. The fact that you left something there suggests that you may have left behind a part of yourself or a valuable possession in your past. The old church may represent a sense of nostalgia or longing for a simpler time. The presence of the pastor’s wife and her nefarious intentions could symbolize feelings of mistrust or betrayal towards someone close to you. The disappearance of the refrigerator could represent a loss of something important or valuable in your life. Your search for it in other rooms of the church may suggest that you are trying to find a replacement or fill the void left by this loss. The pastor’s wife getting rained on and her disheveled appearance could symbolize the consequences of her actions catching up to her. This dream may be urging you to confront any feelings of betrayal or loss in your waking life and find closure in order to move forward.